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Latest Projects


Postgres, Express, React, Node. CRM + Job tracker.
Built a client-side redux cache for the contacts feature and a custom results sorting algorithm for improved UX
demo account on landing page


Audio sharing app.
Audio metadata and user info in MongoDB, AWS S3 bucket storing audio files. Used React’s Context API and hooks to build an integrated audio sample player
Test login --- user: portfolio, pw: X%jf2dI*ks4##3ga


MongoDB, Express, EJS, Node.
Search educational videos by text. Sourced the dataset by parsing 40 x 3-hr video course captions into a .csv file, +Youtube’s timestamp API

Organic Perfumery

A static site for an organic perfumery.
Browseable image carousel with an backup automatic play timer

3D-printed Prosthetics

A static site for a prosthetics company using 3d printing technology

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